Table of Contents that I use is the result of blogwallking and the script is probably property of its ash. Contents of this script is very interesting and wonderful, this script has to sort contents according to label and sort the contents directly in accordance with ALFABETH, while also if there are new postings, this script will alert + next to the title of the new postings.
If you are interested in creating this AutoFill List, please copy and paste the script below to your liking.
<script src=""></script><script src="">
To install the Table of Contents on Page Blog, follow the steps below:
Log in to Blogger.
Select Postings, select Edit Pages, and select New Page.
Copy and Paste the above script code into the box before posting.
Click to view the results of our work.
After the match what we expect click Publish entry
Congratulations now you have installed List Blog contents.
Note : Replace a red link above with your blog url address
Apa itu Vulkan API?
Vulkan adalah pemrograman yang diluncurkan Khronos Group sejak tahun lalu,
kompatibel dengan sistem operasi Android, Windows, dan Linux. Game-game
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